Rhythmic Inconsistency of the Eternal Mystery

You are invited to drop into your bones and into the earth. Within the stirring and turbulence, welcome the quietude, draw inside for a short while; listen, reflect and contemplate…silence is the portal to knowing the embrace of infinity and the eternal Love that is the very fabric we are woven of.

Be still and hold steady, change is constant and our capacity to rest with ease and grace amidst the chaos is how we receive the teachings and take that learnt wisdom with us to grow and show up even more fully when the world rocks beneath us. This is a sweet and potent time for nourishment and deep self care, to renew our focus and direction and how we are in relationship to self and our world.

We are part of a great web of life
Pulsing movement, ever in ebb and flow
Rising and reaching upwards to the sky
Then falling into empty spaces below.
Yet such is the magic of the void,
An invitation to a slower pace
A place for recalibration and renewal
For allowing and not fighting
Simply to rest in the stillness.
For again life will stir within
Another rising wave to carry us
On the crest of her cosmic body
Bringing lightness and inspiration
A whirl of connection and activity
Just like the rhythm of the ocean waves
Yet see how it’s unpredictable and a little wild
Cyclical and dancing patterns.
Perhaps that is the beauty, the not-knowing
And to simply be with
The rhythmic inconsistency
Of the Eternal Mystery.


Autumn Equinox Prayer


Journey into now