Journey into now

Journey into now, navigating time & space, blind but eyes wide open.

An unknown path, unravelling, spiralling us through the dark, guided by narrow trails of intermittent light passing through cracks as old weathered edges dissolve into dust.

Old routines & hard learned ideas are dismantling, but life is still happening, in all its rawness, through us & around us.

When we go inward, entering the vast, expansive inner landscape, searching, seeking, questioning, feeling, resisting, surrendering, we stretch & grow, ever shaping into new form.

Deeply excavating the self, transforming & transmuting, witnessing old parts die to create space for the new.

Feeling both the depths of despair when all has come undone, yet the emptiness tumbles us into a void of potential to unfold into ecstatic joy in the next instant.

It’s the same in the world around of us, all made of the same fabric, an extraordinary canvas woven of One consciousness.

As within, as without.

We are a microcosm of the macrocosm, reflecting particles of the vast Whole.

This world that we live in goes through the same undoings & dissolution, re-birthing & re-emerging over & over.

It always has done and will always continue to do so.

There was & is no normal, just ideas shaped & fixed into our minds, & it is not a time for the longing of return to something that once was.

This is illusion of the safety of comfort & familiarity & submission to systems of oppression, inequality & harm.

This is a time to be brutally honest about what’s alive around us & how we each internalise this & either benefit or are oppressed.

Life is happening right now, in all its terror & inconsistency, beauty & surprise. Life always holds the whole spectrum, the multiplicity emerging from the ground of existence, trembling with potential, birthing to the surface and dissolving back into space.

Over & over.
Moment to moment.

Whatever is your now, is it possible to reach into it.

To enter the strange & unknown, with the bravest heart & a willingness to listen deeply & to feel fully.

To say yes to meeting what arises before you, to cut through the confusion that has shaped our experiences & birth a new way.

How are you choosing to meet life right now?


Rhythmic Inconsistency of the Eternal Mystery


Brave Space