Stillness is the Temple of the Universe

The valuable treasure of not doing is that we may eventually recognise the sacredness of stillness. That we may re-connect to the all-pervading ground of our being which is the holy container, the alchemical ballroom, within which all of life dances and plays. It is the power of Shiva; the eternal, ever-steady presence which gives us the strength of presence within needed to dismantle our need for doing and our attachment to identity and stories.

Our capacity to merge with stillness allows us to meet what is actually there, to recognise that we are held, lovingly and eternally in a vast, strong embrace. That the same strength runs through us, therefore we also hold that same potential to lovingly embrace the wild unpredictable dance of life.

There is so much movement, all around us and within our individual process. It is exhausting. Sometimes we need to stop stirring, rest the churning of the heart, disengage in more ~ let the mud settle. The we meet the clear still water with crystal clarity. We breathe freely and we become.

There are so many lessons to process from this time and so much of it comes down to the benefit of simplifying the chaotic complex lives we have organised ourselves into. We are disconnected from the Source power and the Innate wisdom which, if we gave ourselves permission to listen to, would reveal that, before any achieving, manifesting, doing or growing, we are already enough. We are stillness and we are the dance, stillness is the altar and temple, our lives are living prayers expressing the full possibility of being alive. All is divine play to celebrate our sacred boundless creative all-loving nature. Every dance is unique, we are each already in a process of becoming without trying, trying might even create resistance to the fullness of our unfolding. What a relief. The treasure is found in the stillness, between all the effort and from that place of acceptance we can rise, act and serve with clarity, direction and purpose.


Brave Space


Let go and believe