Equinox ~ A meeting

A meeting,

Of daylight and nighttime

Resting side by side

With steady presence.

Light and dark stand still

A mirror to the other

A moment of balance

Within the stretch of time

As energies expand and contract

Ever spiralling,


Stories of eternity

Yet, at the centre of the storm

The Beloveds hold space

Within the human heart

To gently hold the pieces

Of broken dreams of humanity,

Our fragile hopes waivering,

Yet still lit with longing

To trust the uncertainty

And believe in the Great Mystery

So that we each remember

Our innate unity

And are inspired with bravery

To reach into the dark

To drink deeply

From the well within

Holding the light

Until it reaches through the shadows,

Creeping through the cracks

Shattering our illusions

Illuminating and guiding

Each of us home.


Tantra & Transpersonal Coaching - Resourcing from Expanded States of Awareness


Navratri, Mishika House of Ritual Launch and Transpersonal Coaching