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Into The Sacred Heart


Uk Summer Retreat ~ Into The Sacred Heart

You are invited to join &Sister Retreats and Mischa Varmuza on a weekend retreat, 'Into The Sacred Heart’, at Poundon House, 7-9th July, 2023.

Earlybird price until 30th April

• Twin bedroom £495 

• Solo occupancy double bedroom £695

We will gather in the stunning English Summertime for a weekend of yoga, meditation, breath, movement, nature and nurture, community and much more!

'Into The Sacred Heart' is inspired by our mutual longing to plug into what is meaningful and true and to create a shared experience of joy, discovery, nurture, connection and transformation.

The Sacred Heart is both the container and the centre. The Ancient Yogic Traditions teach that there is a chamber or space within our hearts that holds the entire universe called the Hrit Padma. It is both the point of our devotion, the place of union and integration, and the holding space for our complete experience.

At a time when we are experiencing so much intensity, both in the world and in our lives, it is more essential then ever that we keep rooting into this inner space where we can discover a fortitude to hold, process, transform and integrate, and where we can discover joy and connection when it is most needed.

Tantra teaches surrender to the truth of our heart and inspires us to follow the inner wisdom that emanates from here. Yoga and Tantra provide us with tools and teachings to navigate the challenges, pathways, lessons and textures of our lives.

Our practice should not just be something that we do and it is not just the place that we seek or arrive. It is the whole journey. Every step of the way. Every phase of our growth. It is how we integrate what we experience and learn. It is the capacity we have to keep saying Yes to life, to opening our heart, to finding meaning and purpose even when we feel lost. 

Into The Sacred Heart honours the processes that we go through to arrive back in our centre. It honours the heart of these sacred practices and the heart of our experiences.

This will be a sweet and immersive weekend of delicious yoga and tantra practices led by Mischa.  It is an invitation for you to be with us, in sacred practice, to hold, journey into, meet and honour the sacred heart of life.

The retreat will be curated and the space held by &Sister with their deep love of retreats and healing, plus a consideration for comfort and feeling held. The food will be delivered by &Sister’s very own April Jackson. Imagine beautifully presented healthy morning smoothies and snacks, big brunches, summer soups and crunchy salads. Ayurveda inspired warming evening curries around the fire bowl with our recent trip to Sweden inspiring the presentation and natural produce.

Earlybird price until 30th April

• Twin bedroom £495 

• Solo occupancy double bedroom £695

Get in touch for booking

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